Running Quanta Node

Ensure you have downloaded the source code & compile or install our pre-built binaries

Running Listening Node

mkdir data/testnet
quanta-node --data-dir data/testnet --seed-nodes "[]"

Configuring your Node

Inside data/testnet/config.ini, you'll find a number of configurations to set. You'll need to set the the rpc_endpoint which opens a websocket port to connect your wallet to.

rpc-endpoint =

Automatic startup/shutdown Script


nano /etc/systemd/system/bitshares.service 
Description=swamp services management service

ExecStart=/home/ec2-user/witness_node --data-dir /home/ec2-user/bitshares_testnet --replay-blockchain


systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable bitshares.service 
systemctl start bitshares.service 

Upgrading Node

Save this script as

chmod +x


if [ -z "$1" ]
    echo "No version provided"

service bitshares stop
wget -O witness_node.gz$1/witness_node.linux.amd64.gz
mv -f  witness_node witness_node.bak
gunzip witness_node.gz
chmod +x witness_node
service bitshares start

You can find the available versions from our github releases.

./ 1.83-mainnet

This script automatically stops your node, fetch new binary, restart it.T


Sometimes you may have received blocks that you processed with an older version of the witness_node. In those situations you have to replay the blockchain (eg. replay the block stored on your machine). Other times, this will not work, and you have resync the entire blockchain from the network.

Make sure your systemd configuration have --replay-blockchain. This ensures that when you restart the service, it will do it.

To resync, you can delete the data/blockchain directory that stores the blocks. Then start the service back up again, which detects a blank directory and retrieves from the network again.

Last updated